WMATA Northern Bus Division Replacement

Project Location: 4615 14th St NW, Washington, DC
Owner: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authorities
Architecture Firm: Wendel, Buffalo, NY 14203
Project description: Bus Maintenance Facility, 446,600 GSF
Anticipated end date: October 2025
LEED Rating: Anticipated Platinum

CDL has performed a whole-building energy model simulation, a comprehensive energy analysis, and an assessment of the building systems and configuration for the WMATA Northern Bus Division Replacement (WMATA-NBD). Based on the final simulation results, the proposed design not only meets Minimum Energy Performance requirement but also qualifies for additional LEED points. The facility is 18.4% more energy cost efficient than the ASHRAE 90.1-2010 reference model. In addition, the project claimed 3.8% more annual energy cost savings through the On-Site Renewable Energy Production, which yields to 22.2% total annual energy cost savings for the proposed design over the baseline reference model.  This equals to nine (9) LEED-NC v4 points. Following are renderings of the final energy models and LEED certification review report after final LEED Design Review that shows achieved Optimize Energy Performance points.

Courtesy of Wendel

Rendering of the Baseline Reference Model

Rendering of the Proposed Design Model demonstrating exterior wall types