WMATA Northern Bus Division Replacement
Project Location: 4615 14th St NW, Washington, DC
Owner: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authorities
Architecture Firm: Wendel, Buffalo, NY 14203
Project description: Bus Maintenance Facility, 446,600 GSF
Anticipated end date: October 2025
LEED Rating: Anticipated Platinum
CDL has performed a whole-building energy model simulation, a comprehensive energy analysis, and an assessment of the building systems and configuration for the WMATA Northern Bus Division Replacement (WMATA-NBD). Based on the final simulation results, the proposed design not only meets Minimum Energy Performance requirement but also qualifies for additional LEED points. The facility is 18.4% more energy cost efficient than the ASHRAE 90.1-2010 reference model. In addition, the project claimed 3.8% more annual energy cost savings through the On-Site Renewable Energy Production, which yields to 22.2% total annual energy cost savings for the proposed design over the baseline reference model. This equals to nine (9) LEED-NC v4 points. Following are renderings of the final energy models and LEED certification review report after final LEED Design Review that shows achieved Optimize Energy Performance points.