The AFRO Archives at the Upton Mansion
Project Location: 811 W. Lanvale Street, Baltimore, Maryland
Owner: AFRO Charities
Rating system: LEED v4 BD+C: NC
Gross floor area: 17,394 GSF
Project type: Office: Other Office
Anticipated end date: 30 Jun 2024

Climatic Design LLC is working with the design team from the beginning of the design phases to provide early analysis of energy systems of the project in order to identify synergies within the project design that can optimize energy performances of this historic project. Simulation results of the latest energy models demonstrated that annual energy costs of the proposed design is 34.8% lower than the reference ASHRAE 90.1-2010 model. This indicates the project not only meets Minimum Energy Performance requirement but also qualifies for thirteen (13) Optimize Energy Performance points under LEED v4 BD+C: NC rating system.