Private Residential Building

Project Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Architecture Firm: Terralogos eco architecture p.c., Baltimore, Maryland
Project description: A four story historic house with 10,107 GSF

This four-story historic residence is an energy hog and required substantial improvements and energy upgrades. CDL recommended the following ECMs:

1- Provide Low-E Storm Window Throughout the House
2- Provide Additional Insulation for Exterior Walls (R-21)
3- Provide Air Sealants Throughout the House (SLA = 4.4)
4- Provide Attic Roof Insulation (R-49)
5- High Efficiency Air Conditioning (SEER = 18)

By implementing all these Energy Efficiency Measures, we estimated a yearly energy cost of the house from $8,948.50 to $4,620.18, which is equal to 52% savings ($4,327.7 yearly savings), making the home more comfortable and less dependent on fossil fuels.

Climatic Design = Energy Savings + Protecting the Environment
Call CDL to meet your energy savings
